Pre-Associates FALL SEMESTER

Character Development – Motivational Gifts (2 units)

God has created you a unique person who can accomplish things no one else on earth can. When you find out how to tap into the hidden power of your spiritual gifts you will become a world-changer–and a happier and more fulfilled person. This class will present gifts in a new and more powerful way than you’ve ever heard before. Come and be changed and empowered for life.

     Character Development is a series of courses on the most important quality of a Christian: Christlike character. It’s the very opposite of the hypocrisy Jesus condemned in the religious leaders of His day. God wants us to walk in victory and become like His Son, Jesus Christ (Romans 8:28-29). Learning all about the Lord and the Bible is great. Learning to minister in power is wonderful. But if we do not develop His character we will eventually get shot down by the world, the flesh, or the devil. God has definite steps to achieve victory in each area of our lives and the twelve Character Development courses are where you’ll learn them.

Early Genesis: Foundations of our Faith (2 units)

The foundation stones of our faith are found in the early chapters of Genesis, for there we find the uncreated Creator, the beginning of the cosmos, the first man and woman, the first covenant, the first sin, the first judgment, and the first prophecy of the Messiah. However, though the truths of Genesis uphold our faith, those early chapters are also under an unprecedented assault. Many claim that the creation account contradicts science, so it cannot be literally true. Many assert that the Adam and Eve story cannot be accurate historically, so it must be figurative or allegorical. Yet can early Genesis be right theologically if it is so wrong scientifically and historically? In our study of these chapters, we will not only seek to understand them, but also provide answers to these questions and criticisms of the text. Furthermore, may this exploration of the uncreated Creator and His ways stir up a deeper awe of Him in our heart